“This happened exactly when Turkish investors needed the stability most. Now look at gold above. That is what you want from a store of value. So basically bitcoin’s volatility at this point is way to high for it to replace gold as a store of value. That can change of course.”
Actually, this was true in July as well. While I strongly believe the recent volatility in TL is overdone with exaggerated negative sentiment (versus similar exaggerated positive sentiment in other times) from foreign investors; I looked in to whether Bitcoin is a relatively safe harbor in the last 2 weeks.
Well, BTC fell to 6600 and jumped a bit. Fell to 5900 non stop and then gyrated around 6200. Fell again to 5700 then spiked to 6700. Fluctuated a bit and fell to 6200. All within 2 weeks maximum.
This is not a safe harbor bet and not comparable to gold (which has a lot of problems of its own though) as a store of value.
If it was before mid 2017, I could still find an argument in a monthly uptrend persistence where major falls recover within a period of time and a certain uptrend on a monthly basis is visible.
As I argued in https://medium.com/coinmonks/bitcoin-two-roads-diverged-in-a-wood-ca08282c0443 article — I think something changed in the Bitcoin in 2018 and chances of a medium term network value lower than the current one has increased.